Visiting Endocrinologist – Dr. Chris Jung
Dr. Chris Jung is an Endocrinologist consulting on Diabetes and Endocrine conditions.
Chris has particular interest in Diabetes, Thyroid disorders (including Thyroid cancer) and Osteoporosis.
Appointments can be booked with reception at Bellarine Medical Group on referral from your GP.
Further information can be obtained from our reception staff.

Visiting Gastroenterologist – Professor Jon Watson
Professor Jon Watson is a gastroenterologist in clinical practice at Epworth Hospital Geelong, and University Hospital Geelong.
Jon will be consulting from Bellarine Medical Group most Fridays.
For more information please visit Bellarine Gut Health website.

Visiting Neurologist – Associate Professor David Darby
A/Prof David Darby has been working on the Bellarine Peninsula for 25 years and we welcome him to our Practice.
David will be visiting us every 1-2 weeks on a Saturday morning to see Neurology referrals in both General and Cognitive Neurology.
New referrals welcome.